Container Gardening

This is such a sweet idea for container gardens. We have a couple of old water troughs that have holes in them. What a wonderful idea to recycle them.

Hubby might be opposed to me using one of his old water troughs for planters as he is using them for hay feeders for the sheep. =)

      ~VeGeTabLe GarDen ~*     .... will do !!!



I would love to see your container gardens. Please send me pics! There are so many cool things that you can use in the garden or on your patio~

Nancie, Haley d’Pug & Bear

Today’s Lesson

This is something that I did for a long time. It took me a long time to learn that I wasn’t hurting anyone but me when I kept trying to prove my parents wrong. Yep, I can be stuborn.

I think that we have all done this, but as I grow older I have decided that I don’t need to take crap from anyone! and neither do you!

But, you do have to make the decision that is right for you to make that change. I am in one of those situations, and I am getting closer to making that change!

 Struggle with this....

Hope you all have  a great day!

Nancie, Haley d’Pug & Bear