What’s Happening @FunkyVintiques

I hope this post is finding all of you and your family well. We are doing good at the Ranch – not a bad place to be when there is a stay at home order.

As we all know the state of Colorado is shut down with a stay at home order, excluding essentials.

With our physical store being closed for more than a month, we decided it was a good time to get our Etsy store going! Our store link is:  http://etsy.com/shop/funkyvintiques

We are busy taking pics and getting items ready to load up into the store. All items are available for shipping, but if you prefer we can schedule an appointment to pick up your items @ Lafayette Antiques, Lafayette, Co – where is our booth is located.



You would think that Ziggy would be doing a little better about his separation anxiety, but it seems to have gone through the roof.

What is a pug mom to do?







Calico has always been friendly since she showed up at the ranch, but she seems to have become a little more attached the last couple of weeks.

Oh, well – I have been spending extra time with all of the residents at the ranch! 🙂


Have a great day, and we’ll be updating more soon. If you have any questions about what we have available, just ask.

Nancie, Winston & Ziggy


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