What do you miss most about Thanksgivings past?
Me ~ I miss my dinner at my grandparents, with the enire family. I miss my grandmother & mother’s stuffing (dressing) ~ haven’t had any as good since I last cooked a turkey, but my stuffing wasn’t nearly as good as theirs.
I also miss Tommy and Claudia. They took us into their family every Thanksgiving and it was just awesome to be part of that.
What do you love most about Thanksgiving today?
Me ~ The quiet relaxing day with my family. We haven’t had a big dinner at home for a while. We went to friends for 15 years until they both passed. Now we just spend a quiet day at home, and last year we went to Country Buffet for dinner. It was different, but that is exactly what I needed!
This Thanksgiving ~ remember to love the ones close to you. You never know when you will loose one of them!
Happy Turkey Day~
Nancie, Haley d’Pug & Bear